元 素 位域大小 取值范围
秒 5位 0—29(乘以2后为秒值)
分 6位 0—59
时 5位 0—23
元 素 位域大小 取值范围
日 5位 1—31
月 4位 1—12
年 7位 1--127(加上1980后为年值)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <dos. h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct find_t FILE_BLOCK
void main(void);
void main(void)
FILE_BLOCK f_block; /* Define the find-t structure variable * /
int ret-code; / * Define a variable to store return codes * /
int hour; / * We're going to use a 12-hour clockl * /
char * am_pm; / * Used to print "am" or "pm" * /
printf("\nDireetory listing of all files in this directory:\n\n");
/ * Use the ' *. * ' file mask and the 0xFF attribute mask to list
all files in the directory, including system files, hidden
files, and subdirectory names. * /
ret_code = _dos_findfirst(" *.* ", 0xFF, &f_block);
/* The_dos_findfirst() function returns a 0 when it is successful
and has found a valid filename in the directory. * /
while (ret_code == 0)
/ * Convert from a 24-hour format to a 12-hour format. * /
hour = (f_block. wr_time>>11);
if (hour > 12)
hour = hour - 12;
am_pm = "pm";
/ * Print the file's name, date stamp, and time stamp. * /
printf("%-12s %2d/%2d/%4d %2d:%2d:%02d %s\n",
f_block.name, / * name * /
(f-block.wr_date >> 5) & 0x0F, / * month * /
(f_block.wr_date) & 0x1F, / * day * /
(f_block.wr_date >> 9) + 1980 , / * year * /
hour, / * hour * /
(f-block. wr_time >> 5) & 0x3F, / * minute * /
(f_block. wr_time & 0x1F) * 2, / * seconds * /
/* Use the _ dos_findnext() function to look
for the next file in the directory. * /
ret_code = _dos_findnext (&f_block);
printf("\End of directory listing. \n" );
/ * This is the find_t structure as defined by ANSI C. * /
struct find_t
char reserved[21];
char attrib;
unsigned wr_time;
unsigned wr_date;
long size;
char name[13];
/ * This is a custom find_t structure where we
separate out the bits used for date and time. * /
struet my_find_t
char reserved[21];
char attrib;
unstgned seconds: 5;
unsigned minutes: 6;
unsigned hours: 5;
unsigned day: 5;
unstgned month: 4;
unsigned year: 7;
long size;
char name[13];
/* Now, create a union between these two strucures
so that we can more easily access the elements of
wr_date and wr_time. * /
union file_info
struct find_t ft;
struct my_find_t mft;
file_info my_file;
printf(" %-12s %2d/%2d/%4d %2d: %2d: %2d %s\n",
my_file, mfr.name, / * name * /
my-file, mfr.month, / * moth * /
my_file, mfr.day, / * day * /
(my-file. mft.year + 1980), / * year * /
my-file, raft. hours, / * hour * /
my- file. mfr. minutes, / * minute * /
(my_file. mft. seconds * 2), / * deconds * /
元 素 位域大小 取值范围
秒 5位 0—29(乘以2后为秒值)
分 6位 0—59
时 5位 0—23
元 素 位域大小 取值范围
日 5位 1—31
月 4位 1—12
年 7位 1--127(加上1980后为年值)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <dos. h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct find_t FILE_BLOCK
void main(void);
void main(void)
FILE_BLOCK f_block; /* Define the find-t structure variable * /
int ret-code; / * Define a variable to store return codes * /
int hour; / * We're going to use a 12-hour clockl * /
char * am_pm; / * Used to print "am" or "pm" * /
printf("\nDireetory listing of all files in this directory:\n\n");
/ * Use the ' *. * ' file mask and the 0xFF attribute mask to list
all files in the directory, including system files, hidden
files, and subdirectory names. * /
ret_code = _dos_findfirst(" *.* ", 0xFF, &f_block);
/* The_dos_findfirst() function returns a 0 when it is successful
and has found a valid filename in the directory. * /
while (ret_code == 0)
/ * Convert from a 24-hour format to a 12-hour format. * /
hour = (f_block. wr_time>>11);
if (hour > 12)
hour = hour - 12;
am_pm = "pm";
/ * Print the file's name, date stamp, and time stamp. * /
printf("%-12s %2d/%2d/%4d %2d:%2d:%02d %s\n",
f_block.name, / * name * /
(f-block.wr_date >> 5) & 0x0F, / * month * /
(f_block.wr_date) & 0x1F, / * day * /
(f_block.wr_date >> 9) + 1980 , / * year * /
hour, / * hour * /
(f-block. wr_time >> 5) & 0x3F, / * minute * /
(f_block. wr_time & 0x1F) * 2, / * seconds * /
/* Use the _ dos_findnext() function to look
for the next file in the directory. * /
ret_code = _dos_findnext (&f_block);
printf("\End of directory listing. \n" );
/ * This is the find_t structure as defined by ANSI C. * /
struct find_t
char reserved[21];
char attrib;
unsigned wr_time;
unsigned wr_date;
long size;
char name[13];
/ * This is a custom find_t structure where we
separate out the bits used for date and time. * /
struet my_find_t
char reserved[21];
char attrib;
unstgned seconds: 5;
unsigned minutes: 6;
unsigned hours: 5;
unsigned day: 5;
unstgned month: 4;
unsigned year: 7;
long size;
char name[13];
/* Now, create a union between these two strucures
so that we can more easily access the elements of
wr_date and wr_time. * /
union file_info
struct find_t ft;
struct my_find_t mft;
file_info my_file;
printf(" %-12s %2d/%2d/%4d %2d: %2d: %2d %s\n",
my_file, mfr.name, / * name * /
my-file, mfr.month, / * moth * /
my_file, mfr.day, / * day * /
(my-file. mft.year + 1980), / * year * /
my-file, raft. hours, / * hour * /
my- file. mfr. minutes, / * minute * /
(my_file. mft. seconds * 2), / * deconds * /