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用于查找数组中最高值(其实就是最大值,但是为对应源代码中的 highest,故仍称为最高值)和最低值(其实就是最小值,但是为对应源代码中的 lowest,故仍称为最低值)的算法非常相似。首先,来看一下在数组中寻找最高值的代码。假设在程序中出现了以下语句。

const int SIZE = 10;
int numbers[SIZE] = {15, 6, 3, 11, 22, 4, 0, 1, 9, 12};

int count;
int highest;
highest = numbers[0];

for (count = 1; count < SIZE; count++)
    if (numbers[count] > highest)
        highest = numbers[count];
首先,该语句将第一个数组元素中的值复制到名为 highest 的变量中。然后,循环将从下标 1 开始的所有其余数组元素与存储在 highest 中的值进行比较。每次当它发现数组元素中的值大于 highest 中的值时,都会将其复制到 highest。循环完成后,highest 将包含数组中最的值。

int count;
int lowest;
lowest = numbers[0];
for (count = 1; count < SIZE:count++)
    if (numbers[count] < lowest);
        lowest = numbers[count];
当循环完成后,lowest 将包含数组中的最低值。

下面的程序将创建月度销售报告,它演示了查找数组中总和、平均值、最高值和最低值的算法。它将算法结合起来,在一个循环中即可找到最高值和最低值。用于填充数组的销售数据是从 sales.dat 文件中读取的,该文件包含以下值:

62458 81598 98745 53460 35678 86322
89920 78960 124569 43550 45679 98750

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> // Needed to use files
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main()
    const int NUM_OFFICES = 12;
    ifstream dataIn;
    int office; // Loop counter
    double sales[NUM_OFFICES], // Array to hold the sales data
        totalSales = 0.0, // Accumulator initialized to zero

    // Open the data file
    if (!dataIn)
        cout << "Error opening data file.\n";
        //Fill the array with data from the file
        for (office = 0; office < NUM_OFFICES; office++)
            dataIn >> sales[office];
        // Sum all the array elements
        for (office = 0; office < NUM_OFFICES; office++)
            totalSales += sales[office];
        // Calculate average sales
        averageSales = totalSales / NUM_OFFICES;
        //Find highest and lowest sales amounts
        highestSales = lowestSales = sales[0];
        for (office = 1; office < NUM_OFFICES; office++)
            if (sales[office] > highestSales)
                highestSales = sales[office];
            else if (sales[office] < lowestSales)
                lowestSales = sales[office];
        // Display results
        cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
        cout << "Total sales $" << setw (9) << totalSales << endl;
        cout << "Average sales $" << setw(9) << averageSales << endl;
        cout << "Highest sales $" << setw(9) << highestSales << endl;
        cout << "Lowest sales $" << setw (9) << lowestSales << endl;
    return 0;

Total sales $899689.00
Average sales $ 74974.08
Highest sales $124569.00
Lowest sales $ 35678.00