System and communications protection

Estimated reading time: 31 minutes

SC-1 System And Communications Protection Policy And Procedures


The organization:

  1. Develops, documents, and disseminates to [Assignment: organization-defined personnel or roles]:
    1. A system and communications protection policy that addresses purpose, scope, roles, responsibilities, management commitment, coordination among organizational entities, and compliance; and
    2. Procedures to facilitate the implementation of the system and communications protection policy and associated system and communications protection controls; and
  2. Reviews and updates the current:
    1. System and communications protection policy [Assignment: organization-defined frequency]; and
    2. System and communications protection procedures [Assignment: organization-defined frequency].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-2 Application Partitioning


The information system separates user functionality (including user interface services) from information system management functionality.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Docker system

Component Implementation Status(es) Control Origin(s)
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) complete
Docker EE system
Universal Control Plane (UCP) complete
Docker EE system

Implementation Details

Docker Trusted Registry is made up of a number of backend services that provide for both user functionality (including user interface services) and system management functionality. Each of these services operates independently of one another. Additional information can be found at the following resources:
Universal Control Plane is made up of a number of backend services that provide for both user functionality (including user interface services) and system management functionality. Each of these services operates independently of one another. Additional information can be found at the following resources:

SC-2 (1) Interfaces For Non-Privileged Users


The information system prevents the presentation of information system management-related functionality at an interface for non-privileged users.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-3 Security Function Isolation


The information system isolates security functions from nonsecurity functions.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-3 (1) Hardware Separation


The information system utilizes underlying hardware separation mechanisms to implement security function isolation.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-3 (2) Access / Flow Control Functions


The information system isolates security functions enforcing access and information flow control from nonsecurity functions and from other security functions.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-3 (3) Minimize Nonsecurity Functionality


The organization minimizes the number of nonsecurity functions included within the isolation boundary containing security functions.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-3 (4) Module Coupling And Cohesiveness


The organization implements security functions as largely independent modules that maximize internal cohesiveness within modules and minimize coupling between modules.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-3 (5) Layered Structures


The organization implements security functions as a layered structure minimizing interactions between layers of the design and avoiding any dependence by lower layers on the functionality or correctness of higher layers.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-4 Information In Shared Resources


The information system prevents unauthorized and unintended information transfer via shared system resources.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-4 (2) Periods Processing


The information system prevents unauthorized information transfer via shared resources in accordance with [Assignment: organization-defined procedures] when system processing explicitly switches between different information classification levels or security categories.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-5 Denial Of Service Protection


The information system protects against or limits the effects of the following types of denial of service attacks: [Assignment: organization-defined types of denial of service attacks or references to sources for such information] by employing [Assignment: organization-defined security safeguards].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-5 (1) Restrict Internal Users


The information system restricts the ability of individuals to launch [Assignment: organization-defined denial of service attacks] against other information systems.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-5 (2) Excess Capacity / Bandwidth / Redundancy


The information system manages excess capacity, bandwidth, or other redundancy to limit the effects of information flooding denial of service attacks.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-5 (3) Detection / Monitoring


The organization:

  1. Employs [Assignment: organization-defined monitoring tools] to detect indicators of denial of service attacks against the information system; and
  2. Monitors [Assignment: organization-defined information system resources] to determine if sufficient resources exist to prevent effective denial of service attacks.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-6 Resource Availability


The information system protects the availability of resources by allocating [Assignment: organization-defined resources] by [Selection (one or more); priority; quota; [Assignment: organization-defined security safeguards]].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 Boundary Protection


The information system:

  1. Monitors and controls communications at the external boundary of the system and at key internal boundaries within the system;
  2. Implements subnetworks for publicly accessible system components that are [Selection: physically; logically] separated from internal organizational networks; and
  3. Connects to external networks or information systems only through managed interfaces consisting of boundary protection devices arranged in accordance with an organizational security architecture.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (3) Access Points


The organization limits the number of external network connections to the information system.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (4) External Telecommunications Services


The organization:

  1. Implements a managed interface for each external telecommunication service;
  2. Establishes a traffic flow policy for each managed interface;
  3. Protects the confidentiality and integrity of the information being transmitted across each interface;
  4. Documents each exception to the traffic flow policy with a supporting mission/business need and duration of that need; and
  5. Reviews exceptions to the traffic flow policy [Assignment: organization-defined frequency] and removes exceptions that are no longer supported by an explicit mission/business need.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (5) Deny By Default / Allow By Exception


The information system at managed interfaces denies network communications traffic by default and allows network communications traffic by exception (i.e., deny all, permit by exception).

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (7) Prevent Split Tunneling For Remote Devices


The information system, in conjunction with a remote device, prevents the device from simultaneously establishing non-remote connections with the system and communicating via some other connection to resources in external networks.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (8) Route Traffic To Authenticated Proxy Servers


The information system routes [Assignment: organization-defined internal communications traffic] to [Assignment: organization-defined external networks] through authenticated proxy servers at managed interfaces.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (9) Restrict Threatening Outgoing Communications Traffic


The information system:

  1. Detects and denies outgoing communications traffic posing a threat to external information systems; and
  2. Audits the identity of internal users associated with denied communications.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (10) Prevent Unauthorized Exfiltration


The organization prevents the unauthorized exfiltration of information across managed interfaces.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (11) Restrict Incoming Communications Traffic


The information system only allows incoming communications from [Assignment: organization-defined authorized sources] to be routed to [Assignment: organization-defined authorized destinations].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (12) Host-Based Protection


The organization implements [Assignment: organization-defined host-based boundary protection mechanisms] at [Assignment: organization-defined information system components].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (13) Isolation Of Security Tools / Mechanisms / Support Components


The organization isolates [Assignment: organization-defined information security tools, mechanisms, and support components] from other internal information system components by implementing physically separate subnetworks with managed interfaces to other components of the system.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (14) Protects Against Unauthorized Physical Connections


The organization protects against unauthorized physical connections at [Assignment: organization-defined managed interfaces].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (15) Route Privileged Network Accesses


The information system routes all networked, privileged accesses through a dedicated, managed interface for purposes of access control and auditing.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (16) Prevent Discovery Of Components / Devices


The information system prevents discovery of specific system components composing a managed interface.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (17) Automated Enforcement Of Protocol Formats


The information system enforces adherence to protocol formats.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (18) Fail Secure


The information system fails securely in the event of an operational failure of a boundary protection device.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (19) Blocks Communication From Non-Organizationally Configured Hosts


The information system blocks both inbound and outbound communications traffic between [Assignment: organization-defined communication clients] that are independently configured by end users and external service providers.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (20) Dynamic Isolation / Segregation


The information system provides the capability to dynamically isolate/segregate [Assignment: organization-defined information system components] from other components of the system.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Docker system

Component Implementation Status(es) Control Origin(s)
Docker Enterprise Edition Engine complete
Docker EE system

Implementation Details

Docker Enterprise Edition is designed to run application containers whose content can be completely isolated/segregated from other application containers within the same node/cluster. This is accomplished by way of Linux kernel primitives and various security profiles that can be applied to the underlying host OS. Additional information can be found at the following resources:

SC-7 (21) Isolation Of Information System Components


The organization employs boundary protection mechanisms to separate [Assignment: organization-defined information system components] supporting [Assignment: organization-defined missions and/or business functions].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (22) Separate Subnets For Connecting To Different Security Domains


The information system implements separate network addresses (i.e., different subnets) to connect to systems in different security domains.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-7 (23) Disable Sender Feedback On Protocol Validation Failure


The information system disables feedback to senders on protocol format validation failure.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-8 Transmission Confidentiality And Integrity


The information system protects the [Selection (one or more): confidentiality; integrity] of transmitted information.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-8 (1) Cryptographic Or Alternate Physical Protection


The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to [Selection (one or more): prevent unauthorized disclosure of information; detect changes to information] during transmission unless otherwise protected by [Assignment: organization-defined alternative physical safeguards].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-8 (2) Pre / Post Transmission Handling


The information system maintains the [Selection (one or more): confidentiality; integrity] of information during preparation for transmission and during reception.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-8 (3) Cryptographic Protection For Message Externals


The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to protect message externals unless otherwise protected by [Assignment: organization-defined alternative physical safeguards].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-8 (4) Conceal / Randomize Communications


The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to conceal or randomize communication patterns unless otherwise protected by [Assignment: organization-defined alternative physical safeguards].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-10 Network Disconnect


The information system terminates the network connection associated with a communications session at the end of the session or after [Assignment: organization-defined time period] of inactivity.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-11 Trusted Path


The information system establishes a trusted communications path between the user and the following security functions of the system: [Assignment: organization-defined security functions to include at a minimum, information system authentication and re-authentication].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-11 (1) Logical Isolation


The information system provides a trusted communications path that is logically isolated and distinguishable from other paths.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-12 Cryptographic Key Establishment And Management


The organization establishes and manages cryptographic keys for required cryptography employed within the information system in accordance with [Assignment: organization-defined requirements for key generation, distribution, storage, access, and destruction].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-12 (1) Availability


The organization maintains availability of information in the event of the loss of cryptographic keys by users.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-12 (2) Symmetric Keys


The organization produces, controls, and distributes symmetric cryptographic keys using [Selection: NIST FIPS-compliant; NSA-approved] key management technology and processes.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Docker system

Component Implementation Status(es) Control Origin(s)
Docker Enterprise Edition Engine complete
service provider hybrid

Implementation Details

Docker Enterprise Edition can be installed on the following operating systems: CentOS 7.1+, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0+, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS+, SUSE Linux Enterprise 12+ and Windows Server 2016+. In order to meet the requirements of this control, reference the chosen operating system's documentation to ensure it is configured in FIPS mode.

SC-12 (3) Asymmetric Keys


The organization produces, controls, and distributes asymmetric cryptographic keys using [Selection: NSA-approved key management technology and processes; approved PKI Class 3 certificates or prepositioned keying material; approved PKI Class 3 or Class 4 certificates and hardware security tokens that protect the user�s private key].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-13 Cryptographic Protection


The information system implements [Assignment: organization-defined cryptographic uses and type of cryptography required for each use] in accordance with applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, and standards.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Docker system

Component Implementation Status(es) Control Origin(s)
Docker Enterprise Edition Engine complete
service provider hybrid

Implementation Details

Docker Enterprise Edition can be installed on the following operating systems: CentOS 7.1+, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0+, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS+, SUSE Linux Enterprise 12+ and Windows Server 2016+. In order to meet the requirements of this control, reference the chosen operating system's documentation to ensure it is configured in FIPS mode.

SC-15 Collaborative Computing Devices


The information system:

  1. Prohibits remote activation of collaborative computing devices with the following exceptions: [Assignment: organization-defined exceptions where remote activation is to be allowed]; and
  2. Provides an explicit indication of use to users physically present at the devices.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-15 (1) Physical Disconnect


The information system provides physical disconnect of collaborative computing devices in a manner that supports ease of use.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-15 (3) Disabling / Removal In Secure Work Areas


The organization disables or removes collaborative computing devices from [Assignment: organization-defined information systems or information system components] in [Assignment: organization-defined secure work areas].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-15 (4) Explicitly Indicate Current Participants


The information system provides an explicit indication of current participants in [Assignment: organization-defined online meetings and teleconferences].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-16 Transmission Of Security Attributes


The information system associates [Assignment: organization-defined security attributes] with information exchanged between information systems and between system components.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-16 (1) Integrity Validation


The information system validates the integrity of transmitted security attributes.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-17 Public Key Infrastructure Certificates


The organization issues public key certificates under an [Assignment: organization-defined certificate policy] or obtains public key certificates from an approved service provider.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-18 Mobile Code


The organization:

  1. Defines acceptable and unacceptable mobile code and mobile code technologies;
  2. Establishes usage restrictions and implementation guidance for acceptable mobile code and mobile code technologies; and
  3. Authorizes, monitors, and controls the use of mobile code within the information system.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-18 (1) Identify Unacceptable Code / Take Corrective Actions


The information system identifies [Assignment: organization-defined unacceptable mobile code] and takes [Assignment: organization-defined corrective actions].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-18 (2) Acquisition / Development / Use


The organization ensures that the acquisition, development, and use of mobile code to be deployed in the information system meets [Assignment: organization-defined mobile code requirements].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-18 (3) Prevent Downloading / Execution


The information system prevents the download and execution of [Assignment: organization-defined unacceptable mobile code].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-18 (4) Prevent Automatic Execution


The information system prevents the automatic execution of mobile code in [Assignment: organization-defined software applications] and enforces [Assignment: organization-defined actions] prior to executing the code.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-18 (5) Allow Execution Only In Confined Environments


The organization allows execution of permitted mobile code only in confined virtual machine environments.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-19 Voice Over Internet Protocol


The organization:

  1. Establishes usage restrictions and implementation guidance for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies based on the potential to cause damage to the information system if used maliciously; and
  2. Authorizes, monitors, and controls the use of VoIP within the information system.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-20 Secure Name / Address Resolution Service (Authoritative Source)


The information system:

  1. Provides additional data origin authentication and integrity verification artifacts along with the authoritative name resolution data the system returns in response to external name/address resolution queries; and
  2. Provides the means to indicate the security status of child zones and (if the child supports secure resolution services) to enable verification of a chain of trust among parent and child domains, when operating as part of a distributed, hierarchical namespace.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-20 (2) Data Origin / Integrity


The information system provides data origin and integrity protection artifacts for internal name/address resolution queries.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-21 Secure Name / Address Resolution Service (Recursive Or Caching Resolver)


The information system requests and performs data origin authentication and data integrity verification on the name/address resolution responses the system receives from authoritative sources.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-22 Architecture And Provisioning For Name / Address Resolution Service


The information systems that collectively provide name/address resolution service for an organization are fault-tolerant and implement internal/external role separation.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-23 Session Authenticity


The information system protects the authenticity of communications sessions.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Docker system

Component Implementation Status(es) Control Origin(s)
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) complete
Docker EE system
Docker Enterprise Edition Engine complete
Docker EE system
Universal Control Plane (UCP) complete
Docker EE system

Implementation Details

All remote access sessions to Docker Trusted Registry are protected with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 with the AES GCM cipher. This is included at both the HTTPS application layer for access to the DTR user interface and for command-line based connections to the registry. In addition to this, all communication to DTR is enforced by way of two-way mutual TLS authentication.
All remote access sessions to Docker Enterprise Edition are protected with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 with the AES GCM cipher. In addition to this, all communication to and between Docker Enterprise Editions is enforced by way of two-way mutual TLS authentication.
All remote access sessions to Universal Control Plane are protected with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 with the AES GCM cipher. This is included at both the HTTPS application layer for access to the UCP user interface and for command-line based connections to the cluster. In addition to this, all communication to UCP is enforced by way of two-way mutual TLS authentication.

SC-23 (1) Invalidate Session Identifiers At Logout


The information system invalidates session identifiers upon user logout or other session termination.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Docker system

Component Implementation Status(es) Control Origin(s)
Authentication and Authorization Service (eNZi) complete
Docker EE system

Implementation Details

Docker Enterprise Edition invalidates session identifiers upon user logout per the requirements of this control.

SC-23 (3) Unique Session Identifiers With Randomization


The information system generates a unique session identifier for each session with [Assignment: organization-defined randomness requirements] and recognizes only session identifiers that are system-generated.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-23 (5) Allowed Certificate Authorities


The information system only allows the use of [Assignment: organization-defined certificate authorities] for verification of the establishment of protected sessions.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-24 Fail In Known State


The information system fails to a [Assignment: organization-defined known-state] for [Assignment: organization-defined types of failures] preserving [Assignment: organization-defined system state information] in failure.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-25 Thin Nodes


The organization employs [Assignment: organization-defined information system components] with minimal functionality and information storage.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-26 Honeypots


The information system includes components specifically designed to be the target of malicious attacks for the purpose of detecting, deflecting, and analyzing such attacks.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-27 Platform-Independent Applications


The information system includes: [Assignment: organization-defined platform-independent applications].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-28 Protection Of Information At Rest


The information system protects the [Selection (one or more): confidentiality; integrity] of [Assignment: organization-defined information at rest].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Docker system

Component Implementation Status(es) Control Origin(s)
Docker Enterprise Edition Engine complete
Docker EE system

Implementation Details

All remote access sessions to Docker Enterprise Edition are protected with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 with the AES GCM cipher. In addition to this, all communication to/from and between Docker Enterprise Edition nodes is enforced by way of two-way mutual TLS authentication. All Swarm Mode manager nodes in a Docker Enterprise Edition cluster store state metadata and user secrets encrypted at rest using the AES GCM cipher.

SC-28 (1) Cryptographic Protection


The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure and modification of [Assignment: organization-defined information] on [Assignment: organization-defined information system components].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Docker system

Component Implementation Status(es) Control Origin(s)
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) complete
Docker EE system
Docker Enterprise Edition Engine complete
Docker EE system
Universal Control Plane (UCP) complete
Docker EE system

Implementation Details

All remote access sessions to Docker Trusted Registry are protected with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 with the AES GCM cipher. This is included at both the HTTPS application layer for access to the DTR user interface and for command-line based connections to the registry. In addition to this, all communication to DTR is enforced by way of two-way mutual TLS authentication.
All remote access sessions to Docker Enterprise Edition are protected with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 with the AES GCM cipher. In addition to this, all communication to and between Docker Enterprise Editions is enforced by way of two-way mutual TLS authentication.
All remote access sessions to Universal Control Plane are protected with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 with the AES GCM cipher. This is included at both the HTTPS application layer for access to the UCP user interface and for command-line based connections to the cluster. In addition to this, all communication to UCP is enforced by way of two-way mutual TLS authentication.

SC-28 (2) Off-Line Storage


The organization removes from online storage and stores off-line in a secure location [Assignment: organization-defined information].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-29 Heterogeneity


The organization employs a diverse set of information technologies for [Assignment: organization-defined information system components] in the implementation of the information system.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-29 (1) Virtualization Techniques


The organization employs virtualization techniques to support the deployment of a diversity of operating systems and applications that are changed [Assignment: organization-defined frequency].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-30 Concealment And Misdirection


The organization employs [Assignment: organization-defined concealment and misdirection techniques] for [Assignment: organization-defined information systems] at [Assignment: organization-defined time periods] to confuse and mislead adversaries.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-30 (2) Randomness


The organization employs [Assignment: organization-defined techniques] to introduce randomness into organizational operations and assets.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-30 (3) Change Processing / Storage Locations


The organization changes the location of [Assignment: organization-defined processing and/or storage] [Selection: [Assignment: organization-defined time frequency]; at random time intervals]].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-30 (4) Misleading Information


The organization employs realistic, but misleading information in [Assignment: organization-defined information system components] with regard to its security state or posture.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-30 (5) Concealment Of System Components


The organization employs [Assignment: organization-defined techniques] to hide or conceal [Assignment: organization-defined information system components].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-31 Covert Channel Analysis


The organization:

  1. Performs a covert channel analysis to identify those aspects of communications within the information system that are potential avenues for covert [Selection (one or more): storage; timing] channels; and
  2. Estimates the maximum bandwidth of those channels.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-31 (1) Test Covert Channels For Exploitability


The organization tests a subset of the identified covert channels to determine which channels are exploitable.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-31 (2) Maximum Bandwidth


The organization reduces the maximum bandwidth for identified covert [Selection (one or more); storage; timing] channels to [Assignment: organization-defined values].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-31 (3) Measure Bandwidth In Operational Environments


The organization measures the bandwidth of [Assignment: organization-defined subset of identified covert channels] in the operational environment of the information system.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-32 Information System Partitioning


The organization partitions the information system into [Assignment: organization-defined information system components] residing in separate physical domains or environments based on [Assignment: organization-defined circumstances for physical separation of components].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-34 Non-Modifiable Executable Programs


The information system at [Assignment: organization-defined information system components]:

  1. Loads and executes the operating environment from hardware-enforced, read-only media; and
  2. Loads and executes [Assignment: organization-defined applications] from hardware-enforced, read-only media.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-34 (1) No Writable Storage


The organization employs [Assignment: organization-defined information system components] with no writeable storage that is persistent across component restart or power on/off.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-34 (2) Integrity Protection / Read-Only Media


The organization protects the integrity of information prior to storage on read-only media and controls the media after such information has been recorded onto the media.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-34 (3) Hardware-Based Protection


The organization:

  1. Employs hardware-based, write-protect for [Assignment: organization-defined information system firmware components]; and
  2. Implements specific procedures for [Assignment: organization-defined authorized individuals] to manually disable hardware write-protect for firmware modifications and re-enable the write-protect prior to returning to operational mode.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-35 Honeyclients


The information system includes components that proactively seek to identify malicious websites and/or web-based malicious code.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-36 Distributed Processing And Storage


The organization distributes [Assignment: organization-defined processing and storage] across multiple physical locations.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-36 (1) Polling Techniques


The organization employs polling techniques to identify potential faults, errors, or compromises to [Assignment: organization-defined distributed processing and storage components].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-37 Out-Of-Band Channels


The organization employs [Assignment: organization-defined out-of-band channels] for the physical delivery or electronic transmission of [Assignment: organization-defined information, information system components, or devices] to [Assignment: organization-defined individuals or information systems].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-37 (1) Ensure Delivery / Transmission


The organization employs [Assignment: organization-defined security safeguards] to ensure that only [Assignment: organization-defined individuals or information systems] receive the [Assignment: organization-defined information, information system components, or devices].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-38 Operations Security


The organization employs [Assignment: organization-defined operations security safeguards] to protect key organizational information throughout the system development life cycle.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-39 Process Isolation


The information system maintains a separate execution domain for each executing process.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-39 (1) Hardware Separation


The information system implements underlying hardware separation mechanisms to facilitate process separation.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-39 (2) Thread Isolation


The information system maintains a separate execution domain for each thread in [Assignment: organization-defined multi-threaded processing].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization


The information system protects external and internal [Assignment: organization-defined wireless links] from [Assignment: organization-defined types of signal parameter attacks or references to sources for such attacks].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-40 (1) Electromagnetic Interference


The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms that achieve [Assignment: organization-defined level of protection] against the effects of intentional electromagnetic interference.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-40 (2) Reduce Detection Potential


The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to reduce the detection potential of wireless links to [Assignment: organization-defined level of reduction].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-40 (3) Imitative Or Manipulative Communications Deception


The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to identify and reject wireless transmissions that are deliberate attempts to achieve imitative or manipulative communications deception based on signal parameters.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-40 (4) Signal Parameter Identification


The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to prevent the identification of [Assignment: organization-defined wireless transmitters] by using the transmitter signal parameters.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-41 Port And I/O Device Access


The organization physically disables or removes [Assignment: organization-defined connection ports or input/output devices] on [Assignment: organization-defined information systems or information system components].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-42 Sensor Capability And Data


The information system:

  1. Prohibits the remote activation of environmental sensing capabilities with the following exceptions: [Assignment: organization-defined exceptions where remote activation of sensors is allowed]; and
  2. Provides an explicit indication of sensor use to [Assignment: organization-defined class of users].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-42 (1) Reporting To Authorized Individuals Or Roles


The organization ensures that the information system is configured so that data or information collected by the [Assignment: organization-defined sensors] is only reported to authorized individuals or roles.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-42 (2) Authorized Use


The organization employs the following measures: [Assignment: organization-defined measures], so that data or information collected by [Assignment: organization-defined sensors] is only used for authorized purposes.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-42 (3) Prohibit Use Of Devices


The organization prohibits the use of devices possessing [Assignment: organization-defined environmental sensing capabilities] in [Assignment: organization-defined facilities, areas, or systems].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-43 Usage Restrictions


The organization:

  1. Establishes usage restrictions and implementation guidance for [Assignment: organization-defined information system components] based on the potential to cause damage to the information system if used maliciously; and
  2. Authorizes, monitors, and controls the use of such components within the information system.

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

SC-44 Detonation Chambers


The organization employs a detonation chamber capability within [Assignment: organization-defined information system, system component, or location].

Control Information

Responsible role(s) - Organization

standards, compliance, security, 800-53, System and communications protection