docker/dtr overview

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These are the docs for DTR version 2.4.0

To select a different version, use the selector below.

This tool has commands to install, configure, and backup Docker Trusted Registry (DTR). It also allows uninstalling DTR. By default the tool runs in interactive mode. It prompts you for the values needed.

Additional help is available for each command with the ‘–help’ option.


docker run -it --rm docker/dtr \
    command [command options]


Option Description
install Install Docker Trusted Registry
join Add a new replica to an existing DTR cluster
reconfigure Change DTR configurations
remove Remove a DTR replica from a cluster
destroy Destroy a DTR replica’s data
restore Install and restore DTR from an existing backup
backup Create a backup of DTR
upgrade Upgrade DTR 2.3.x cluster to this version
dumpcerts Print the TLS certificates used by DTR
images List all the images necessary to install DTR
dtr, install, uninstall, configure