Flutter Documentation

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Sept 10, 2019

Flutter 1.9 is live!

For more information, see Flutter news from GDD China: uniting Flutter on web and mobile, and introducing Flutter 1.9 and the 1.9.1 release notes.

For the 1.9 release, Flutter’s web support has been merged (“unforked”) into the main repo. Web support hasn’t reached beta, and is not ready to be used in production. Web and desktop support (which is also coming), will impact the website, which was originally written exclusively for developing Flutter mobile apps. Some website updates are available now (and listed below), but more will be coming.

New and updated docs on the site include:

Other relevant docs:

Happy Fluttering!

What’s new archive

New to Flutter?

Once you’ve gone through Get Started, including Write Your First Flutter App, here are some next steps.


Coming from another platform? Check out: Android, iOS, Web, React Native, Xamarin.Forms

Building layouts
Learn how to create layouts in Flutter, where everything is a widget.
Adding interactivity to your Flutter app
Learn how to add a stateful widget to your app.
A tour of the Flutter widget framework
Learn more about Flutter’s react-style framework.
Get the answers to frequently asked questions.


We also have some helpful videos on our Flutter Youtube channel! In particular, check out the Flutter in Focus series, and learn about other series on our videos page.

First up, why use Flutter? What makes it different than other app frameworks?

How is Flutter different for app development?

Flutter in Focus: Learn Flutter features in 10 minutes or less.
Flutter in Focus playlist

In Flutter, “everything is a widget”! If you want to better understand the two kinds of widgets, Stateless and Stateful, see the following videos, part of the Flutter in Focus series.

Want to skill up?

If you learn best by watching engineers write code, make mistakes, and fix them, check out the Boring Flutter Show video series:

Boring Flutter Show playlist

You might also find these docs useful: