Testing contributions

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Testing is about software quality, performance, reliability, or product usability. We develop and test Docker software before we release but we are human. So, we make mistakes, we get forgetful, or we just don’t have enough time to do everything.

Choose to contribute testing if you want to improve Docker software and processes. Testing is a good choice for contributors that have experience in software testing, usability testing, or who are otherwise great at spotting problems.

What can you contribute to testing?

Test the Docker documentation

Testing documentation is relatively easy:

  1. Find a page in Docker’s documentation that contains a procedure or example you want to test.

    You should choose something that should work on your machine. For example, creating a base image is something anyone with Docker can do, while changing volume directories in Kitematic requires Kitematic installed on a Mac.

  2. Try and follow the procedure or recreate the example.

    Look for:

    • Are the steps clearly laid out and identifiable?
    • Are the steps in the right order?
    • Did you get the results the procedure or example said you would?
  3. If you couldn’t complete the procedure or example, file an issue.

Test code in Docker

If you are interested in writing or fixing test code for the Docker project, learn about our test infrastructure.

View our open test issues in Docker for something to work on. Or, create one of your own.

test, source, contributions, Docker