Configure your Notary client

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These are the docs for DTR version 2.3.4

To select a different version, use the selector below.

The Docker CLI client makes it easy to sign images but to streamline that process it generates a set of private and public keys that are not tied to your UCP account. This means that you’ll be able to push and sign images to DTR, but UCP won’t trust those images since it doesn’t know anything about the keys you’re using.

So before signing and pushing images to DTR you should:

  • Configure the Notary CLI client
  • Import your UCP private keys to the Notary client

This allows you to start signing images with the private keys in your UCP client bundle, that UCP can trace back to your user account.

Download the Notary CLI client

If you’re using Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows, you already have the notary command installed.

If you’re running Docker on a Linux distribution, you can download the latest version. As an example:

# Get the latest binary
curl -L <download-url> -o notary

# Make it executable
chmod +x notary

# Move it to a location in your path
sudo mv notary /usr/bin/

Configure the Notary CLI client

Before you use the Notary CLI client, you need to configure it to make it talk with the Notary server that’s part of DTR.

There’s two ways to do this, either by passing flags to the notary command, or using a configuration file.

With flags

Run the Notary command with:

notary --server https://<dtr-url> --trustDir ~/.docker/trust --tlscacert <dtr-ca.pem> --help

Here’s what the flags mean:

Flag Purpose
--server The Notary server to query
--trustDir Path to the local directory where trust metadata will be stored
--tlscacert Path to the DTR CA certificate. If you’ve configured your system to trust the DTR CA certificate, you don’t need to use this flag

To avoid having to type all the flags when using the command, you can set an alias:

alias notary="notary --server https://<dtr-url> --trustDir ~/.docker/trust --tlscacert <dtr-ca.pem>"

set-alias notary "notary --server https://<dtr-url> --trustDir ~/.docker/trust --tlscacert <dtr-ca.pem>"

With a configuration file

You can also configure Notary by creating a ~/.notary/config.json file with the following content:

  "trust_dir" : "~/.docker/trust",
  "remote_server": {
    "url": "<dtr-url>",
    "root_ca": "<dtr-ca.pem>"

To validate your configuration, try running the notary list command on a DTR repository that already has signed images:

notary list <dtr-url>/<account>/<repository>

The command should print a list of digests for each signed image on the repository.

Import your UCP key

The last step in configuring the Notary CLI client is to import the private key of your UCP client bundle. Get a new client bundle if you don’t have one yet.

Import the private key in your UCP bundle into the Notary CLI client:

notary key import <path-to-key.pem>

The private key is copied to ~/.docker/trust, and you’ll be prompted for a password to encrypt it.

You can validate what keys Notary knows about by running:

notary key list

The key you’ve imported should be listed with the role delegation.

registry, notary, trust