Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 example

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Try out Docker Cloud!

We suggest using Docker Cloud as the most up-to-date way to run Docker on your cloud providers. To get started, see Docker Cloud docs home page, Docker Cloud Settings and Docker ID, Swarms in Docker Cloud (Beta), and Link Amazon Web Services to Docker Cloud. If you are running Edge channel Docker for Mac or Windows, you can access your Docker Cloud account from those Docker desktop applications. See Docker Cloud (Edge feature) on Mac or Windows.

Docker Machine will still work as described here, but Docker Cloud supercedes Machine for this purpose.

Follow along with this example to create a Dockerized Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance.

Step 1. Sign up for AWS and configure credentials

  1. If you are not already an AWS user, sign up for AWS to create an account and get root access to EC2 cloud computers.

    If you have an Amazon account, you can use it as your root user account.

  2. Create an IAM (Identity and Access Management) administrator user, an admin group, and a key pair associated with a region.

    From the AWS menus, select Services > IAM to get started.

    To create machines on AWS, you must supply two parameters:

    • an AWS Access Key ID

    • an AWS Secret Access Key

    See the AWS documentation on Setting Up with Amazon EC2. Follow the steps for “Create an IAM User” and “Create a Key Pair”.

Step 2. Use Machine to create the instance

  1. Optionally, create an AWS credential file.

    You can create an ~/.aws/credentials file to hold your AWS keys so that you don’t have to type them every time you run the docker-machine create command. Here is an example of a credentials file.

    aws_access_key_id = AKID1234567890
    aws_secret_access_key = MY-SECRET-KEY
  2. Run docker-machine create with the amazonec2 driver, credentials, inbound port, region, and a name for the new instance. For example:

    docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-open-port 8000 --amazonec2-region us-west-1 aws-sandbox

    Note: For all aws create flags, run: docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --help

    Use aws credentials file

    If you set your keys in a credentials file, the command looks like this to create an instance called aws-sandbox:

    docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 aws-sandbox

    Specify keys at the command line

    If you don’t have a credentials file, you can use the flags --amazonec2-access-key and --amazonec2-secret-key on the command line:

    docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-access-key AKI******* --amazonec2-secret-key 8T93C*******  aws-sandbox

    Expose a port

    To expose an inbound port to the new machine, use the flag, --amazonec2-open-port:

    docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-open-port 8000 aws-sandbox

    Specify a region

    By default, the driver creates new instances in region us-east-1 (North Virginia). You can specify a different region by using the --amazonec2-region flag. For example, create aws-sandbox in us-west-1 (Northern California).

    docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-region us-west-1 aws-sandbox
  3. Go to the AWS EC2 Dashboard to view the new instance.

    Log into AWS with your IAM credentials, and navigate to your EC2 Running Instances.

    instance on AWS EC2 Dashboard

    Note: To ensure that you see your new instance, select your region from the menu in the upper right. If you did not specify a region as part of docker-machine create (with the optional --amazonec2-region flag), select the default, US East (N. Virginia).

  4. Ensure that your new machine is the active host.

    $ docker-machine ls
    NAME             ACTIVE   DRIVER         STATE     URL                         SWARM   DOCKER        ERRORS
    aws-sandbox      *        amazonec2      Running   tcp://            v1.10.0
    default          -        virtualbox     Running   tcp://           v1.10.0-rc4
    aws-sandbox   -           digitalocean   Running   tcp://           v1.9.1

    The new aws-sandbox instance is running and is the active host as indicated by the asterisk (*). When you create a new machine, your command shell automatically connects to it. You can also check active status by running docker-machine active.

    Note: If your new machine is not the active host, connect to it by running docker-machine env aws-sandbox and the returned eval command: eval $(docker-machine env aws-sandbox).

  5. Inspect the remote host. For example, docker-machine ip <machine> returns the host IP address and docker-machine inspect <machine> lists all the details.

     $ docker-machine ip aws-sandbox
     $ docker-machine inspect aws-sandbox
         "ConfigVersion": 3,
         "Driver": {
             "IPAddress": "",
             "MachineName": "aws-sandbox",
             "SSHUser": "ubuntu",
             "SSHPort": 22,

Step 3. Run Docker commands on the new instance

You can run docker commands from a local terminal to the active docker machine.

  1. Run docker on the active docker machine by downloading and running the hello-world image:

    docker run hello-world
  2. Ensure that you ran hello-world on aws-sandbox (and not localhost or some other machine):

    Log on to aws-sandbox with ssh and list all containers. You should see hello-world (with a recent exited status):

     docker-machine ssh aws-sandbox
     sudo docker container ls -a

    Log off aws-sandbox and unset this machine as active. Then list images again. You should not see hello-world (at least not with the same exited status):

     eval $(docker-machine env -u)
     docker container ls -a
  3. Reset aws-sandbox as the active docker machine:

     eval $(docker-machine env aws-sandbox)

    For a more interesting test, run a Dockerized webserver on your new machine.

    Note: In this example, we use port 8000 which we added to the docker-machine AWS Security Group during docker-machine create. To run your container on another port, update the security group to reflect that.

    In this example, the -p option is used to expose port 80 from the nginx container and make it accessible on port 8000 of the aws-sandbox host.

     $ docker run -d -p 8000:80 --name webserver kitematic/hello-world-nginx
     Unable to find image 'kitematic/hello-world-nginx:latest' locally
     latest: Pulling from kitematic/hello-world-nginx
     a285d7f063ea: Pull complete
     2d7baf27389b: Pull complete
     Digest: sha256:ec0ca6dcb034916784c988b4f2432716e2e92b995ac606e080c7a54b52b87066
     Status: Downloaded newer image for kitematic/hello-world-nginx:latest

    In a web browser, go to http://<host_ip>:8000 to bring up the webserver home page. You got the <host_ip> from the output of the `docker-machine ip

    ` command you ran in a previous step. Use the port you exposed in the `docker run` command. ![nginx webserver](/machine/img/nginx-webserver.png)

Step 4. Use Machine to remove the instance

To remove an instance and all of its containers and images, first stop the machine, then use docker-machine rm.

Where to go next

docker, machine, cloud, aws