Configure automated builds with Bitbucket

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

If you’ve previously linked Docker Hub to your Bitbucket account, you’ll be able to skip to Creating an Automated Build.

In order to set up an Automated Build of a repository on Bitbucket, you need to link your Docker Hub account to a Bitbucket account. This will allow the registry to see your Bitbucket repositories.

To add, remove, or view your linked account, go to the Linked Accounts & Services section of your Hub profile Settings.


Then follow the onscreen instructions to authorize and link your Bitbucket account to Docker Hub. Once it is linked, you’ll be able to create a Docker Hub repository from which to create the Automatic Build.

Create an Automated Build

You can create an Automated Build from any of your public or private Bitbucket repositories with a Dockerfile.

To get started, log in to Docker Hub and click the “Create ▼” menu item at the top right of the screen. Then select Create Automated Build.

Select the linked Bitbucket account, and then choose a repository to set up an Automated Build for.

The Bitbucket webhook

When you create an Automated Build in Docker Hub, a webhook is added to your Bitbucket repository automatically.

You can also manually add a webhook from your repository’s Settings page. Set the URL to, to be triggered for repository pushes.


Docker, docker, registry, accounts, plans, Dockerfile, Docker Hub, docs, documentation, trusted, builds, trusted builds, automated builds, bitbucket