docker/dtr install

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These are the docs for DTR version 2.3.4

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Install Docker Trusted Registry


docker run -it --rm docker/dtr \
    install [command options]


This command installs Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) on a node managed by Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP).

After installing DTR, you can join additional DTR replicas using the ‘join’ command.

Example usage:

$ docker run -it –rm install \ –ucp-node \ --ucp-insecure-tls

Note: Use –ucp-ca “$(cat ca.pem)” instead of –ucp-insecure-tls for a production deployment.


Option Environment Variable Description
--debug $DEBUG Enable debug mode for additional logs.
--dtr-ca $DTR_CA Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for DTR.By default DTR generates a self-signed TLS certificate during deployment. You can use your own TLS CA certificate with –dtr-ca “$(cat ca.pem)”.
--dtr-cert $DTR_CERT Use a PEM-encoded TLS certificate for DTR.By default DTR generates a self-signed TLS certificate during deployment. You can use your own TLS certificate with –dtr-cert “$(cat ca.pem)”.
--dtr-external-url $DTR_EXTERNAL_URL URL of the host or load balancer clients use to reach DTR.When you use this flag, users are redirected to UCP for logging in. Once authenticated they are redirected to the url you specify in this flag. If you don’t use this flag, DTR is deployed without single sign-on with UCP. Users and teams are shared but users login separately into the two applications. You can enable and disable single sign-on in the DTR settings. Format https://host[:port], where port is the value you used with –replica-https-port.
--dtr-key $DTR_KEY Use a PEM-encoded TLS private key for DTR.By default DTR generates a self-signed TLS certificate during deployment. You can use your own TLS private key with –dtr-key “$(cat ca.pem)”.
--dtr-storage-volume $DTR_STORAGE_VOLUME Customize the volume to store Docker images.By default DTR creates a volume to store the Docker images in the local filesystem of the node where DTR is running, without high-availability. Use this flag to specify a full path or volume name for DTR to store images. For high-availability, make sure all DTR replicas can read and write data on this volume. If you’re using NFS, use –nfs-storage-url instead.
--enable-pprof $DTR_PPROF Enables pprof profiling of the server.Once DTR is deployed with this flag, you can access the pprof endpoint for the api server at /debug/pprof, and the registry endpoint at /registry_debug_pprof/debug/pprof.
--enzi-ca $ENZI_TLS_CA Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for Enzi.
--enzi-host $ENZI_HOST The Enzi host. Format host[:port].
--enzi-insecure-tls $ENZI_TLS_INSECURE Disable TLS verification for Enzi.
--help-extended $DTR_EXTENDED_HELP Display extended help text for a given command.
--http-proxy $DTR_HTTP_PROXY The HTTP proxy used for outgoing requests.
--https-proxy $DTR_HTTPS_PROXY The HTTPS proxy used for outgoing requests.
--log-host $LOG_HOST Where to send logs to.The endpoint to send logs to. Use this flag if you set –log-protocol to tcp or udp.
--log-level $LOG_LEVEL Log level for all container logs when logging to syslog. Default: INFO.
--log-protocol $LOG_PROTOCOL The protocol for sending logs. Default is internal.This allows to define the protocol used to send container logs to an external system. The supported protocals are tcp, udp, or internal. Use this flag with –log-host.
--nfs-storage-url $NFS_STORAGE_URL NFS to store Docker images. Format nfs://<ip|hostname>/ .By default DTR creates a volume to store the Docker images in the local filesystem of the node where DTR is running, without high-availability. Use this flag to specify an NFS mount for DTR to store images, using the format nfs://<ip|hostname>/. To use this flag, you need to install an NFS client library like nfs-common in the node where you're deploying DTR. You can test this by running showmount -e . When you join new replicas, they will start using NFS so you don't need to use this flag. To reconfigure DTR to stop using NFS, leave this option empty.
--no-proxy $DTR_NO_PROXY List of domains the proxy should not be used for.When using –http-proxy you can use this flag to specify a list of domains that you don’t want to route throught the proxy. Format[,].
--overlay-subnet $DTR_OVERLAY_SUBNET The subnet used by the dtr-ol overlay network. Example: high-availalibity, DTR creates an overlay network between UCP nodes. This flag allows you to choose the subnet for that network. Make sure the subnet you choose is not used on any machine where DTR replicas are deployed.
--replica-http-port $REPLICA_HTTP_PORT The public HTTP port for the DTR replica. Default is 80.This allows you to customize the HTTP port where users can reach DTR. Once users access the HTTP port, they are redirected to use an HTTPS connection, using the port specified with –replica-https-port. This port can also be used for unencrypted health checks.
--replica-https-port $REPLICA_HTTPS_PORT The public HTTPS port for the DTR replica. Default is 443.This allows you to customize the HTTPS port where users can reach DTR. Each replica can use a different port.
--replica-id $DTR_INSTALL_REPLICA_ID Assign an ID to the DTR replica. Random by default.
--ucp-ca $UCP_CA Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for UCP.Download the UCP TLS CA certificate from https:// /ca, and use --ucp-ca "$(cat ca.pem)".
--ucp-insecure-tls $UCP_INSECURE_TLS Disable TLS verification for UCP.The installation uses TLS but always trusts the TLS certificate used by UCP, which can lead to man-in-the-middle attacks. For production deployments, use –ucp-ca “$(cat ca.pem)” instead.
--ucp-node $UCP_NODE The hostname of the UCP node to deploy DTR. Random by default.You can find the hostnames of the nodes in the cluster in the UCP web UI, or by running ‘docker node ls’ on a UCP manager node..
--ucp-password $UCP_PASSWORD The UCP administrator password.
--ucp-url $UCP_URL The UCP URL including domain and port.
--ucp-username $UCP_USERNAME The UCP administrator username.
dtr, cli, install