Enable single sign-on

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

These are the docs for DTR version 2.4.0

To select a different version, use the selector below.

By default, users are shared between UCP and DTR, but you have to authenticate separately on the web UI of both applications.

You can configure DTR to have single sign-on (SSO) with UCP, so that users only have to authenticate once.

At installation time

When installing DTR, use the docker/dtr install --dtr-external-url <url> option to enable SSO. When accessing the DTR web UI, users are redirected to the UCP login page, and once they are authenticated, they’re redirected to the URL you provided to --dtr-external-url.

Use the domain name of DTR, or the domain name of a load balancer, if you’re using one, to load-balance requests across multiple DTR replicas.

After install

In your browser, navigate to the DTR web UI, and choose Settings. In the General tab, scroll to Domain & proxies.

Update the Load balancer / public address field to the url where users should be redirected once they are logged in. Use the domain name of DTR, or the domain name of a load balancer, if you’re using one, to load-balance requests across multiple DTR replicas.

Then enable Use single sign-on.

Once you save, users are redirected to UCP for logging in, and redirected back to DTR once they are authenticated.

Where to go next

dtr, login, sso