Architecture-specific images

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These are the docs for UCP version 2.2.4

To select a different version, use the selector below.

Docker Universal Control Plane deploys images for a number of different hardware architectures, including IBM z systems. Some architectures require pulling images that have specific tags or names indicating the target architecture.

Tag for IBM z Systems

Append the string -s390x to a UCP system image tag to pull the appropriate image for IBM z Systems. For example, you can modify the CLI command for getting a UCP support dump to use an environment variable that indicates the current architecture:

[[ $(docker info --format='{{.Architecture}}') == s390x ]] && export _ARCH='-s390x' || export _ARCH=''

docker container run --rm \
  --name ucp \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  --log-driver none \
  docker/ucp:2.2.4${_ARCH} \
  support > docker-support.tgz

In this example, the environment variable is named _ARCH, but you can use any valid shell name.

OS-specific component names

Some UCP component names depend on the node’s operating system. Use the following table to ensure that you’re pulling the right images for each node.

UCP component base name Windows name IBM z Systems name
ucp-agent ucp-agent-win ucp-agent-s390x
ucp-dsinfo ucp-dsinfo-win ucp-dsinfo-s390x
UCP, Docker EE, image, IBM z, Windows