docker/ucp install

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These are the docs for UCP version 2.2.4

To select a different version, use the selector below.

Install UCP on this node


docker container run --rm -it \
    --name ucp \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    docker/ucp \
    install [command options]


This command initializes a new swarm, turns this node into a manager, and installs Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP).

When installing UCP you can customize:

  • The certificates used by the UCP web server. Create a volume named ‘ucp-controller-server-certs’ and copy the ca.pem, cert.pem, and key.pem files to the root directory. Then run the install command with the --external-server-cert flag.

  • The license used by UCP, by bind-mounting the file at ‘/config/docker_subscription.lic’ in the tool. E.g. -v /path/to/my/config/docker_subscription.lic:/config/docker_subscription.lic or by specifying with ‘–license “$(cat license.lic)”

If you’re joining more nodes to this swarm, open the following ports in your firewall:

  • 443 or the ‘–controller-port’
  • 2376 or the ‘–swarm-port’
  • 12376, 12379, 12380, 12381, 12382, 12383, 12384, 12385, 12386, 12387
  • 4789 (udp) and 7946 (tcp/udp) for overlay networking

If you have SELinux policies enabled for your Docker install, you will need to use docker container run --rm -it --security-opt label=disable ... when running this command.


Option Description
--debug, D Enable debug mode
--jsonlog Produce json formatted output for easier parsing
--interactive, i Run in interactive mode and prompt for configuration values
--admin-username The UCP administrator username
--admin-password The UCP administrator password
--san Add subject alternative names to certificates (e.g. –san –san
--host-address The network address to advertise to other nodes. Format: IP address or network interface name
--data-path-addr Address or interface to use for data path traffic. Format: IP address or network interface name
--swarm-port Port for the Docker Swarm manager. Used for backwards compatibility
--controller-port Port for the web UI and API
--swarm-grpc-port Port for communication between nodes
--dns Set custom DNS servers for the UCP containers
--dns-opt Set DNS options for the UCP containers
--dns-search Set custom DNS search domains for the UCP containers
--unlock-key The unlock key for this swarm-mode cluster, if one exists.
--existing-config Use an existing UCP config during this installation. The install fails if a config is not found.
--pull Pull UCP images: always, when missing, or never
--registry-username Username to use when pulling images
--registry-password Password to use when pulling images
--kv-timeout Timeout in milliseconds for the key-value store
--kv-snapshot-count Number of changes between key-value store snapshots
--swarm-experimental Enable Docker Swarm experimental features. Used for backwards compatibility
--disable-tracking Disable anonymous tracking and analytics
--disable-usage Disable anonymous usage reporting
--external-server-cert Customize the certificates used by the UCP web server
--preserve-certs Don’t generate certificates if they already exist
--binpack Set the Docker Swarm scheduler to binpack mode. Used for backwards compatibility
--random Set the Docker Swarm scheduler to random mode. Used for backwards compatibility
--external-service-lb Set the external service load balancer reported in the UI
--enable-profiling Enable performance profiling
--license Add a license: e.g. –license “$(cat license.lic)”
--force-insecure-tcp Force install to continue even with unauthenticated Docker Engine ports
ucp, cli, install