Push the image to Docker Cloud's registry

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Skip this step if you don’t have Docker Engine installed locally.


In this step you will take the image that you built in the previous step, and push it to Docker Cloud.

In step 2, you set your Docker Cloud username as an environment variable called DOCKER_ID_USER. If you skipped this step, change the $DOCKER_ID_USER to your Docker ID username before running this command.

Note: By default, the docker-cloud CLI uses your default user namespace, meaning the repositories, nodes, and services associated with your individual Docker ID account name. To use the CLI to interact with objects that belong to an organization, prefix these commands with DOCKERCLOUD_NAMESPACE=my-organization. See the CLI documentation for more information.

Tag the image

First tag the image. Tags in this case denote different builds of an image.

Python quickstart

$ docker tag quickstart-python $DOCKER_ID_USER/quickstart-python

Go quickstart

$ docker tag quickstart-go $DOCKER_ID_USER/quickstart-go

Publish the image

Next, push the tagged image to the repository.

Python quickstart

$ docker push $DOCKER_ID_USER/quickstart-python

Go quickstart

$ docker push $DOCKER_ID_USER/quickstart-go

Verify the image location

After the push command completes, verify that the image is now in Docker Cloud’s registry. Do this by logging in to Docker Cloud and clicking Repositories in the left navigation. Your image should appear in the repository list.

What’s next?

Deploy the app as a Docker Cloud service.

image, Docker, cloud