UCP configuration file

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These are the docs for UCP version 2.2.4

To select a different version, use the selector below.

Override the default UCP settings by providing a configuration file when you create UCP manager nodes. This is useful for scripted installations.

UCP configuration file

The ucp-agent service uses a configuration file to set up UCP. You can use the configuration file in different ways to set up your UCP swarms.

  • Install one swarm and use the UCP web UI to configure it as desired, extract the configuration file, edit it as needed, and use the edited config file to make copies to multiple other swarms.
  • Install a UCP swarm, extract and edit the configuration file, and use the CLI to apply the new configuration to the same swarm.
  • Run the example-config command, edit the example configuration file, and apply the file at install time or after installation.

Specify your configuration settings in a TOML file. Learn about Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language.

The configuration has a versioned naming convention, with a trailing decimal number that increases with each version, like com.docker.ucp.config-1. The ucp-agent service maps the configuration to the file at /etc/ucp/ucp.toml.

Inspect and modify existing configuration

Use the docker config inspect command to view the current settings and emit them to a file.

# CURRENT_CONFIG_NAME will be the name of the currently active UCP configuration
CURRENT_CONFIG_NAME=$(docker service inspect ucp-agent --format '{{range .Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Configs}}{{if eq "/etc/ucp/ucp.toml" .File.Name}}{{.ConfigName}}{{end}}{{end}}')
# Collect the current config with `docker config inspect`
docker config inspect --format '{{ printf "%s" .Spec.Data }}' $CURRENT_CONFIG_NAME > ucp-config.toml

Edit the file, then use the docker config create and docker service update commands to create and apply the configuration from the file.

# NEXT_CONFIG_NAME will be the name of the new UCP configuration
# Create the new swarm configuration from the file ucp-config.toml
docker config create $NEXT_CONFIG_NAME  ucp-config.toml
# Use the `docker service update` command to remove the current configuration
# and apply the new configuration to the `ucp-agent` service.
docker service update --config-rm $CURRENT_CONFIG_NAME --config-add source=$NEXT_CONFIG_NAME,target=/etc/ucp/ucp.toml ucp-agent

Example configuration file

You can see an example TOML config file that shows how to configure UCP settings. From the command line, run UCP with the example-config option:

$ docker container run --rm docker/ucp:2.2.4 example-config

Configuration file and web UI

Admin users can open the UCP web UI, navigate to Admin Settings, and change UCP settings there. In most cases, the web UI is a front end for modifying this config file.

auth table

Parameter Required Description
backend no The name of the authorization backend to use, either managed or ldap. The default is managed.
default_new_user_role no The role that new users get for their private collections. Values are admin, viewonly, scheduler, restrictedcontrol, or fullcontrol. The default is restrictedcontrol.


Parameter Required Description
lifetime_minutes no The initial session lifetime, in minutes. The default is 4320, which is 72 hours.
renewal_threshold_minutes no The length of time, in minutes, before the expiration of a session where, if used, a session will be extended by the current configured lifetime from then. A zero value disables session extension. The default is 1440, which is 24 hours.
per_user_limit no The maximum number of sessions that a user can have active simultaneously. If creating a new session would put a user over this limit, the least recently used session will be deleted. A value of zero disables limiting the number of sessions that users may have. The default is 5.

auth.ldap (optional)

Parameter Required Description
server_url no The URL of the LDAP server.
no_simple_pagination no Set to true if the LDAP server doesn’t support the Simple Paged Results control extension (RFC 2696). The default is false.
start_tls no Set to true to use StartTLS to secure the connection to the server, ignored if the server URL scheme is ‘ldaps://’. The default is false.
root_certs no A root certificate PEM bundle to use when establishing a TLS connection to the server.
tls_skip_verify no Set to true to skip verifying the server’s certificate when establishing a TLS connection, which isn’t recommended unless testing on a secure network. The default is false.
reader_dn no The distinguished name the system uses to bind to the LDAP server when performing searches.
reader_password no The password that the system uses to bind to the LDAP server when performing searches.
sync_schedule no The scheduled time for automatic LDAP sync jobs, in CRON format with seconds omitted, default is @hourly if empty or omitted.
jit_user_provisioning no Whether to only create user accounts upon first login (recommended). The default is true.

auth.ldap.additional_domains array (optional)

A list of additional LDAP domains and corresponding server configs from which to sync users and team members. This is an advanced feature which most environments don’t need.

Parameter Required Description
domain no The root domain component of this server, for example, dc=example,dc=com. A longest-suffix match of the base DN for LDAP searches is used to select which LDAP server to use for search requests. If no matching domain is found, the default LDAP server config is used.
server_url no The URL of the LDAP server for the current additional domain.
no_simple_pagination no Set to true if the LDAP server for this additional domain does not support the Simple Paged Results control extension (RFC 2696). The default is false.
server_url no The URL of the LDAP server.
start_tls no Whether to use StartTLS to secure the connection to the server, ignored if the server URL scheme is ‘ldaps://’.
root_certs no A root certificate PEM bundle to use when establishing a TLS connection to the server for the current additional domain.
tls_skip_verify no Whether to skip verifying the additional domain server’s certificate when establishing a TLS connection, not recommended unless testing on a secure network. The default is true.
reader_dn no The distinguished name the system uses to bind to the LDAP server when performing searches under the additional domain.
reader_password no The password that the system uses to bind to the LDAP server when performing searches under the additional domain.

auth.ldap.user_search_configs array (optional)

Settings for syncing users.

Parameter Required Description
base_dn no The distinguished name of the element from which the LDAP server will search for users, for example, ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.
scope_subtree no Set to true to search for users in the entire subtree of the base DN. Set to false to search only one level under the base DN. The default is false.
username_attr no The name of the attribute of the LDAP user element which should be selected as the username. The default is uid.
full_name_attr no The name of the attribute of the LDAP user element which should be selected as the full name of the user. The default is cn.
filter no The LDAP search filter used to select user elements, for example, (&(objectClass=person)(objectClass=user)). May be left blank.
match_group no Whether to additionally filter users to those who are direct members of a group. The default is true.
match_group_dn no The distinguished name of the LDAP group, for example, cn=ddc-users,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com. Required if matchGroup is true.
match_group_member_attr no The name of the LDAP group entry attribute which corresponds to distinguished names of members. Required if matchGroup is true. The default is member.
match_group_iterate no Set to true to get all of the user attributes by iterating through the group members and performing a lookup for each one separately. Use this instead of searching users first, then applying the group selection filter. Ignored if matchGroup is false. The default is false.

auth.ldap.admin_sync_opts (optional)

Settings for syncing system admininistrator users.

Parameter Required Description
enable_sync no Set to true to enable syncing admins. If false, all other fields in this table are ignored. The default is true.
select_group_members no Set to true to sync using a group DN and member attribute selection. Set to false to use a search filter. The default is true.
group_dn no The distinguished name of the LDAP group, for example, cn=ddc-admins,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com. Required if select_group_members is true.
group_member_attr no The name of the LDAP group entry attribute which corresponds to distinguished names of members. Required if select_group_members is true. The default is member.
search_base_dn no The distinguished name of the element from which the LDAP server will search for users, for example, ou=people,dc=example,dc=com. Required if select_group_members is false.
search_scope_subtree no Set to true to search for users in the entire subtree of the base DN. Set to false to search only one level under the base DN. The default is false. Required if select_group_members is false.
search_filter no The LDAP search filter used to select users if select_group_members is false, for example, (memberOf=cn=ddc-admins,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com). May be left blank.

registries array (required)

An array of tables that specifies the DTR instances that the current UCP instance manages.

Parameter Required Description
host_address yes The address for connecting to the DTR instance tied to this UCP cluster.
service_id yes The DTR instance’s OpenID Connect Client ID, as registered with the Docker authentication provider.
ca_bundle no If you’re using a custom certificate authority (CA), the ca_bundle setting specifies the root CA bundle for the DTR instance. The value is a string with the contents of a ca.pem file.

scheduling_configuration table (optional)

Specifies the users who can schedule containers on manager nodes.

Parameter Required Description
enable_admin_ucp_scheduling no Set to true to allow admins to schedule on containers on manager nodes. The default is false.
enable_user_ucp_scheduling no Set to true to allow non-admin users to schedule containers on managers. The default is false.

tracking_configuration table (optional)

Specifies the analytics data that UCP collects.

Parameter Required Description
disable_usageinfo no Set to true to disable analytics of usage information. The default is false.
disable_tracking no Set to true to disable analytics of API call information. The default is false.
anonymize_tracking no Anonymize analytic data. Set to true to hide your license ID. The default is false.

trust_configuration table (optional)

Specifies whether DTR images require signing.

Parameter Required Description
require_content_trust no Set to true to require images be signed by content trust. The default is false.
require_signature_from no A string array that specifies users or teams which must sign images.

log_configuration table (optional)

Configures the logging options for UCP components.

Parameter Required Description
protocol no The protocol to use for remote logging. Values are tcp and udp. The default is tcp.
host no Specifies a remote syslog server to send UCP controller logs to. If omitted, controller logs are sent through the default docker daemon logging driver from the ucp-controller container.
level no The logging level for UCP components. Values are syslog priority levels: debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit, alert, and emerg.

license_configuration table (optional)

Specifies whether the your UCP license is automatically renewed.

Parameter Required Description
auto_refresh no Set to true to enable attempted automatic license renewal when the license nears expiration. If disabled, you must manually upload renewed license after expiration. The default is true.

cluster_config table (required)

Configures the swarm cluster that the current UCP instance manages.

The dns, dns_opt, and dns_search settings configure the DNS settings for UCP components. Assigning these values overrides the settings in a container’s /etc/resolv.conf file. For more info, see Configure container DNS.

Parameter Required Description
controller_port yes Configures the port that the ucp-controller listens to. The default is 443.
swarm_port yes Configures the port that the ucp-swarm-manager listens to. The default is 2376.
swarm_strategy no Configures placement strategy for container scheduling. This doesn’t affect swarm-mode services. Values are spread, binpack, and random.
dns yes Array of IP addresses to add as nameservers.
dns_opt yes Array of options used by DNS resolvers.
dns_search yes Array of domain names to search when a bare unqualified hostname is used inside of a container.
profiling_enabled no Set to true to enable specialized debugging endpoints for profiling UCP performance. The default is false.
kv_timeout no Sets the key-value store timeout setting, in milliseconds. The default is 5000.
kv_snapshot_count no Sets the key-value store snapshot count setting. The default is 20000.
external_service_lb no Specifies an optional external load balancer for default links to services with exposed ports in the web UI.
metrics_retention_time no Adjusts the metrics retention time.
metrics_scrape_interval no Sets the interval for how frequently managers gather metrics from nodes in the cluster.
metrics_disk_usage_interval no Sets the interval for how frequently storage metrics are gathered. This operation can be expensive when large volumes are present.
docker enterprise edition, ucp, universal control plane, swarm, configuration, deploy