docker/dtr dumpcerts

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These are the docs for DTR version 2.3.4

To select a different version, use the selector below.

Print the TLS certificates used by DTR


 docker run -i --rm docker/dtr \
    dumpcerts [command options] > backup.tar


This command creates a backup of the certificates used by DTR for communicating across replicas with TLS.


Option Environment Variable Description
--debug $DEBUG Enable debug mode for additional logs.
--existing-replica-id $DTR_REPLICA_ID The ID of an existing DTR replica.
--help-extended $DTR_EXTENDED_HELP Display extended help text for a given command.
--ucp-ca $UCP_CA Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for UCP.
--ucp-insecure-tls $UCP_INSECURE_TLS Disable TLS verification for UCP.
--ucp-password $UCP_PASSWORD The UCP administrator password.
--ucp-url $UCP_URL The UCP URL including domain and port.
--ucp-username $UCP_USERNAME The UCP administrator username.
dtr, cli, certificate, cert, tls